今年九月买了一部kindle. 是一部不错的电子书阅读器。我会评 8/10分. 更多关于此产品的资讯可游览以下网址:
它的e-ink技术令我惊叹,阅读电子书跟印刷书本/文件是没分别的。4 gb的存量,我可以收藏数千本书/文件。除了不必带着一大堆笨重的书籍、文献,我也才保护环境、节省用纸方面尽一份力。
跟LED 仪器或电脑荧幕不同,KINDLE不会被太阳光而影响照明。它也有持久的电能,就如亚马逊所说:充一次电,可用上一个月(在没上网时)。买了这部仪器至今,我才充了3次点。
Personalised screen saver-Kindle comes with pre-set screen saver, but it would be great if we can set the jpeg image as screen saver.
Note pad- Although there’s a note taking feature on book you read, but it would be useful if a stand alone (just like dictionary) notepad is available. (just in case we can write down something when paper is not available)
Support for power point
Multiple documents delete-Right now It’s inconvenient when we want to delete few documents at a time. Instead, we have to delete one by one.
Poor document conversion, i.e. html to kindle format (occasionally)- as display in the picture below, poor text display i.e. “productivit y” instead of “productivity”
Dynamic 5-way controller. As in the picture below, (with Kindle’s top to down menu clicking) I have to press “down” key 6 times to “delete this document”
Why don’t Kindle allows us to press “up” key one time, and it will scroll to “delete this document”. (** less no. of clicks = save more time )
Kindle didn’t display the Chinese character of file name properly
Better PDF viewing capabilities- we can’t view the document properly, i.e. zoom in 200% (as in the picture below, red circle part), if zoom out, to 150%, we can’t view the document clearly, the text is too small for me (I tried with landscape mode as well). If there is flexible zoom in/out scale, then we can view PDF in comfortable way.
A plus point is software update available for Kindle, I’m looking forward to the improved version of Kindle software. Overall, I am happy with this device, I will not hesitate to recommend this gadget to others.
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