阅读The Science Vote 博客(此部落格分享政治人物与科学家对英国科学政策的看法)发觉近期的一篇文章提到英国劳工党选,和一批劳工党籍的科学家对5为竞选党魁的候选人所发问的问题。
所发问问题如下。原文可游览:Labour leadership election; Scientists for Labour put their questions - http://ow.ly/2fmDU
1. How can science, technology, engineering and mathematics contribute to economic growth in the face of current constraints on government spending?
2. How will you bring expert scientific advice into Labour policy-making and the shadow cabinet, now that the party is in opposition?
3. How will you promote the continuation of infrastructure regeneration in universities, schools and colleges to ensure that we inspire and train the scientists of the future?
these are tough quesions... wonder how many of our politicians can answer them? just look at our policy then you'll know...
haha, at least for the last decades until now, I don't think any politicians able to ans these questions..
i hope i will one day in the future.. :p
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